Saturday, March 17, 2007

A St. Pat's Day/End of the Quarter PARTY!!!!

As you may have figured out already, I have been hella busy because it is the end of the quarter. I'm almost done... with the exception of the two finals I have left. The one seems to not be difficult, but the other is the opposite, and I'm stressed out.

But today I'm going to try to relax a bit more as Shawn and I are hosting a St. Pat's party. Originally, we were going to see KMRIA (kiss my royal irish ass), which is a Pogues cover band with members from the Decemberists and Casey Neil, in Portland. With the demise of our beloved car, we're stuck in Oly, which majorly sucks, so we're making the most of it all....

The party tonight may not be as kick ass as last year's St. Pat's in Seattle seeing the Real McKenzies with dopey Todd, Shawn, and TJ, but it should still be good. One thing I will NOT miss is old Scottish Canadian man balls in my face.... eww.

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